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Closeout spotter for $39.99! (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
This is just a "heads up" for those of you who might be scopeless or have friends who bird with binoculars only and want to "test the waters" of spotting scope usage with absolute minimal cost. The website is: http://www.opticalinstruments.com/c...cts/bresser-spektar-15-45-x-60-spotting-scope

This is a closeout location for Explore Scientific, Bresser, and some other optic brands. I ordered and received the Bresser "Spektar 15-45 x 60 mm" spotting scope for $39.99, including shipping (in USA). They claim its regular cost is $129.99. I am pleasantly surprised at the relative quality of this scope (for the cost) though I bought it to give as a gift and have no plans of replacing my Pentax PF scopes with this. It does seem to be a very functional little 1.2 kg scope, with a nice 15-45x image, 45˚ Schmidt prism, stay-on case, and waterproof design.

Just in time for Christmas! - Bill
Just like Bill, I received the original email and ordered the scope. It arrived last week and I can concur with Bill's comments. The little scope is surprisingly good at the original $130 price. At $40 it is an absolute steal. Here are two pics I took through it with my Iphone 6S and a phone skope adapter. First pic is at 15x and the second is at 45x. The bird feeder was about 15 yards away. You can see a little CA in the image at 45x but certainly not the amount I expected to see for a $130 or $40 scope. Mechanically I have no concerns whatsoever. Focusing wheel and zoom adjustment are both smooth without any rough spots or slack.

This is just a "heads up" for those of you who might be scopeless or have friends who bird with binoculars only and want to "test the waters" of spotting scope usage with absolute minimal cost. The website is: http://www.opticalinstruments.com/c...cts/bresser-spektar-15-45-x-60-spotting-scope

This is a closeout location for Explore Scientific, Bresser, and some other optic brands. I ordered and received the Bresser "Spektar 15-45 x 60 mm" spotting scope for $39.99, including shipping (in USA). They claim its regular cost is $129.99. I am pleasantly surprised at the relative quality of this scope (for the cost) though I bought it to give as a gift and have no plans of replacing my Pentax PF scopes with this. It does seem to be a very functional little 1.2 kg scope, with a nice 15-45x image, 45˚ Schmidt prism, stay-on case, and waterproof design.

Just in time for Christmas! - Bill


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Hi Frank,

thanks for letting us know - nice you got a great deal - the pictures look indeed not too shabby. Over here in Europe they go indeed for 150€+ :-(

Now I just need to find out if they ship to germany and what this will cost...

The lidl offer would be another option - has somebody tested that one?


How does the Bresser Spektar compare to the Theron Saker? I have been eyeing up the Saker for a few weeks now but just ordered the Bresser because I couldn't pass on the the Closeout deal.

I am still considering the Saker in a straight scope but would like to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for those photos, looks pretty good despite the close range.

Guess that was one in the didn't hesitate, not for one second, to buy category. Nothing comparable at $40 (!) on the market here.

Would be interested in Steve's (mooreorless) observations (Binocular bargains thread) later.

How does the Bresser Spektar compare to the Theron Saker? I have been eyeing up the Saker for a few weeks now but just ordered the Bresser because I couldn't pass on the the Closeout deal.

I am still considering the Saker in a straight scope but would like to hear your thoughts.



It would be difficult for me to make the comparison as I haven't had the Saker in my hands for several years. I think they would be comparable in some ways. For example, take a look at the eyepieces and tell me what you see....



I would expect the Saker to have slightly better CA control because of the use of ED glass in the objective but in all other ways I expect them to be comparable. Same weight and about the same physical length. The Saker does have that nice dual-focus knob but I didn't have any problem using the "side focus" on the Spektar.
Looks like Frank got the better deal, that is a great image for a $40 scope!

Joachim, Lidl regularly offer these Bresser scopes (and their binos) and there are a few older threads :



Lidl, as a supermarket, is on the ascendent in the UK although it is certainly a different experience than Lidl.de.

Best wishes,

Hi Samandag,

thanks for the links - I know that the scopes are a quite regular appearance in british lidl stores - not so in germany - unlike astro telescopes and bins - probably due to the fact that twitching is not really as big over here as in the UK.

The same model as you get on sale is available online from lidl.de - might as well order one and tell you when I get it... If it's a dog - back it goes...

Hi Samandag,

thanks for the links - I know that the scopes are a quite regular appearance in british lidl stores - not so in germany - unlike astro telescopes and bins - probably due to the fact that twitching is not really as big over here as in the UK.

The same model as you get on sale is available online from lidl.de - might as well order one and tell you when I get it... If it's a dog - back it goes...


Hi Joachim,

Yes can be interesting to see how low you can go to find any value at all, and in this case rather you than me ;)

Lidl here do offer Bresser astro scopes, e.g. http://www.lidl.co.uk/en/our-offers-2491.htm?action=showDetail&id=29068, and currently Bresser Zoom binoculars (10-30x60, £16.99 / 24.00 euro !!), although online ordering is not yet available.

Perhaps the best of the Bresser markdowns is this one for the bino buyer : http://www.ebay.de/itm/Bresser-Fernglas-Montana-8-5x45-/231424352508?hash=item35e1f760fc:g:WcgAAOSw3xJVfx6l, 385.00 euro (£275.00) for this is really very good indeed considering the other offers of 570.00 euro and a long way north from there!!

Good luck with your scope.

Best wishes,
I couldn't resist and ordered a second one.


Now somebody go do some legwork and find an equally impressive "value" in a tripod to go with it.

I couldn't resist and ordered a second one.


Now somebody go do some legwork and find an equally impressive "value" in a tripod to go with it.


Frank - How do you think it would work with a monopod with the zoom set at about 20 to 25 power? Seeing it is s small light weight scope, the smaller size and weight of a monopod may be a good combination for when the goal is to get a short look at something.

It will be interesting to see what kind of consistency there is in quality as more members get their scope. That appears to be a challenge in all optics, even more so in the lower price range.
Good question Bruce. I have a monopod on hand so I will see what I can do to answer your question. I would probably prefer the lowest end of the zoom range to start but 20-25x with a monopod should still be beneficial.

Quality control would be my biggest concern as well. Since I will have two units on hand I will compare them and at least get some impression.
Bresser Lidlscope - terribad as expected

Yes can be interesting to see how low you can go to find any value at all, and in this case rather you than me ;)


today I got the 20-60/60 Lidlscope made by Bresser - for reference it was this offer:


I decided to give it a little spin right away and put up two tripods on the balcony overlooking the river - one with my old Kowa and one with the Bresser. Maybe not the fairest competition since the 77mm Kowa has a lot more objective area and a top notch current EP but on the other hand the body is 20 years old and single coated.

On the plus side - the Bresser is very light (around a pound) and has lots of warnings to not point it into the sun (pictograms on objective and eyepiece caps and a card with text and pictogram in the box). The objective has a well fitting flip up cap, the one on the eyepiece fits not well and is easy to loose.
Looks are ok with a black rubber armor.

Unfortunately that's about it for the plus side. I was able to get a so-so sharp and not too bright image at 20x but I have never seen such a colorful grey heron - the CA was pronounced even at 20x in center field. Naturally it didn't get better at higher magnifications but since above 30x it was not really possible to get a sharp image, the CA was not the biggest problem there.

The focus is very stiff and pretty fast - not a great combination. Tripod collar can be rotated 360 deg but was a bit wobbly. The eyecup was not really usable since it was way too short - if you use the eyepiece the normal way, you'll get a total blackout.

TLDR: Save yourself the trouble to return this lemon - I would not even give it to a kid as a toy. Back it goes!

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