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Colombia Pico Y Placa help - so confused (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi all,

I am spending most of July birding in Colombia, which I am very excited about. We will be self driving (using various local guides) but I am completely confused about the Pico Y Placa! Especially the current rules in Pereira which may or may not be changing on 8th June?

These are the possible journeys the Pico y Placa may be relevant (though not really sure):

7th July afternoon: Cartagena airport to Barranquilla (by university).
8th July: Barranquilla via picking up a friend at airport to Minca. Fairly sure route avoids Pico y Placa area.
20th July: Picking up car hire in Pereira at 11.30 and driving to Cajamarca
21st or 22nd July (exact plans to be confirmed given road closures): Cajamarca area to either Buga or Bosque de Niebla. Due to road closures, we have to cross Armenia and possibly Cali
25th July: Araucana Lodge to Otun Quimbaya (possibly crossing Pereira though we can make sure we do it before 4)
26th July: Otun Quimbaya to Hacienda el Bosque
28th July: Hacienda el Bosque to Rio Blanco
30th July: Rio Blanco to Pereira airport

Do we have to worry about Pico y Placa? I've no idea what number plate either hire car would give us.

Specific questions:
  • Does anyone know what rules will be in Pereira?
  • Can we avoid the Pereira Pico Y Placa zone and get to / from Otun Quimbaya?
  • Am I right in thinking we will need the right number plate if we try to cross Armenia on a Friday?
  • Am I right in think we can avoid Pico y Placa zone in Manizales?
  • Any other Pico y Placa restrictions to be aware of?

Hybrid vehicles are exempt from all Pico y Placa regulations. Don't know what the availability is of hybrids as hire cars but it maybe worth considering to avoid the hassle.
Just check each city, and I reckon you always have a window of opportinity, e.g. for Armenia:
¿Cuál es el horario de pico y placa en Armenia?
Recuerde que el horario de pico y placa en las zonas de restricción total es de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m.; Contrario a las zonas de restricción parcial, donde funciona de 7:00 a.m. a 9:00 a.m., desde las 11:30 a.m. hasta las 2:00 p.m. y 5:30 p.m. a 7:00 p.m.

So in other words: you're good with all plates if you go early or late, and I guess you always can drive around the city if you don't have the right plate, and the zones with partial restriction are probably on the outskirts (so you always have an option).
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