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Compact and stable tripod for Opticron MM4 Price up to 400 Euro (1 Viewer)


Good evening, I'm looking for a tripod and unfortunately there are too many on the market.
So far I have used a spotting scope both for shooting sports (85%) and for bird watching on vacation or in the garden (15%).
The combination of the Hawke 9-27x56 and the Rollei Traveler 1 tripod was sufficient for my needs. Since I now also shoot at 100m, the Hawke spotting scope reached its limits and after much consideration I bought an Opticron MM4 with SDLv3 eyepiece. The Celestron M2, a Vortex and Kite 65 would also have been an idea.

The MM4 is a good spotting scope, but I noticed that it doesn't work as well with the Rollei Traveler as the small Hawke because it is heavier, longer and larger.
I now probably need a more stable 3 leg tripod with an Arca Swiss compatible head.
When folded, the tripod should not be longer than 40cm, otherwise it will no longer fit in the backpack. Thanks for your recommendations.

first of all, welcome to BF!

Some more info is needed. What model of the MM4 did you buy, there are 3 apertures of 50, 60 and 77mm (each having different dimensions, weights and magnification rages), each in straight or angled (this makes a difference when determining the needed height).

Also will you use the scope mainly prone, kneeling or sitting or standing? When standing, how tall are you?


the 40cm limit makes things kinda tricky if you still want a reasonable height around 130cm - plus 12-15cm for a video head plus 10cm for the angled scope & EP plus 10cm distance from your eye level to the top of your head... a little bending down is kinda necessary and even 10cm are no big deal with an angled scope...

This one almost fits the bill... but 5 sections while I would prefer 3 due to less wobble from so many locks... on the other hand you probably can keep the center column down a bit which helps with stability too...

Add a 128RC and you're going to be fine...

Or take this one which is a steal... here you can keep the center column fully down and either try to use the included ball-head tilted and your rotating collar of your MM4 to make a ghetto gimbal... or just sell it off and use the money towards a 128RC...

Good evening, I'm looking for a tripod and unfortunately there are too many on the market.
So far I have used a spotting scope both for shooting sports (85%) and for bird watching on vacation or in the garden (15%).
The combination of the Hawke 9-27x56 and the Rollei Traveler 1 tripod was sufficient for my needs. Since I now also shoot at 100m, the Hawke spotting scope reached its limits and after much consideration I bought an Opticron MM4 with SDLv3 eyepiece. The Celestron M2, a Vortex and Kite 65 would also have been an idea.

The MM4 is a good spotting scope, but I noticed that it doesn't work as well with the Rollei Traveler as the small Hawke because it is heavier, longer and larger.
I now probably need a more stable 3 leg tripod with an Arca Swiss compatible head.
When folded, the tripod should not be longer than 40cm, otherwise it will no longer fit in the backpack. Thanks for your recommendations.
I first go to the bhphotovideo website and use their filters to get to the price, weight, collapsed length, and working height for a tripod. For a scope a tilt head is all that is needed and not a Arca-Swiss compatible head unless you want to use it with photo equipment.

With the lighter and less expensive legs the use of cross bracing helps the stability without adding a lot to the weight or the cost.
Ich gehe zuerst auf die Website von bhphotovideo und nutze deren Filter, um Preis, Gewicht, zusammengeklappte Länge und Arbeitshöhe für ein Stativ zu ermitteln. Für ein Zielfernrohr ist lediglich ein Neigekopf erforderlich und kein Arca-Swiss-kompatibler Kopf, es sei denn, Sie möchten ihn mit Fotoausrüstung verwenden.

Bei den leichteren und kostengünstigeren Beinen erhöht die Verwendung von Querverstrebungen die Stabilität, ohne das Gewicht oder die Kosten erheblich zu erhöhen.

Ich werde es auf der bhp-Website versuchen. Ich verwende den Arca Swiss Adapter/Platte, weil sich das Spektiv einfach, sicher und schnell abnehmen lässt. Bei einem kleinen Missgeschick (beim Lösen der Schraube) ist mir das Spektiv heruntergefallen.

Die 40-cm-Grenze macht die Sache etwas schwierig, wenn Sie immer noch eine angemessene Höhe von etwa 130 cm wünschen – plus 12–15 cm für einen Videokopf plus 10 cm für das abgewinkelte Zielfernrohr und EP plus 10 cm Abstand von Ihrer Augenhöhe bis zur Oberseite Ihres Kopfes … a Man muss sich kaum bücken, und selbst 10 cm sind bei einem abgewinkelten Zielfernrohr kein Problem ...

Dieser hier passt fast ins Bild... aber 5 Abschnitte, während ich 3 vorziehen würde, weil es durch so viele Schlösser weniger wackelt... andererseits kann man die Mittelsäule wahrscheinlich etwas unten halten, was auch der Stabilität hilft...

Fügen Sie eine 128RC hinzu und alles wird gut ...

Oder nehmen Sie dieses Modell, das ein echtes Schnäppchen ist. Hier können Sie die Mittelsäule ganz unten lassen und entweder versuchen, den mitgelieferten Kugelkopf geneigt und den drehbaren Kragen Ihres MM4 zu verwenden, um einen Ghetto-Gimbal herzustellen ... oder es einfach verkaufen ab und verwende das Geld für eine 128RC...

Ich habe nachgemessen. 44cm Länge (mit Kopf) wären auch möglich und würden noch in den Rucksack passen. Das Rollei Traveller 1 Carbon kommt auf ca. 36 cm mit Kopf. Von Leofoto habe ich gestern das LS 225 und LS255 Stativ entdeckt. Ich trenne das Spektiv vom Stativ, wenn alles im Rucksack verstaut wird. Eigentlich fände ich es gut, wenn
der 128RC nicht jedesmal abgeschraubt werden müsste.
In the classifieds, a Sirui T2204X Carbon with ball head was offered for €120. Length retracted 41 cm. My gut bought it.
For a scope a tilt head is all that is needed and not a Arca-Swiss compatible head unless you want to use it with photo equipment.
Not just tilt but also panorama, i.e. a two-way head. For scope use a quick release is almost mandatory and IMO the Arca-Swiss system is ideal, not completely standardized but nevertheless widely compatible between different manufacturers.

@hangu: For standing horizontal viewing you would only need a maximum tripod height of about 125 cm, so the Sirui T2204X should be fine. At a later stage you could update to a suitable two-way head such as the Sirui VA-5X.


my 128RC is 10.5cm w/o QR plate, so probably no dice leaving it on and fit into you backpack.

The usual K-20X ball head sold as a set with the T2204X is 9,8 cm with plate but it can be tilted 90 deg which will probably trade 3 or 4 cm in height for some extra width... and you can also try the ghetto gimbal trick with it which works surprisingly well with a light scope with a rotating collar.

Have you already check an wood tripod? I use only wood based tripots from Berlebach. So www.berlebach.de
Here you can find the mosted stabile tripod you were seaching for. Include Tripod heads with Acra Swiss Connectors.

Have fun during searching....
The Sirius tripod has now arrived. When folded up, the ball head is no longer than the legs. Metal tips on the legs can be turned out. With the Opticron MM4 60 it looks good and the price was very good too. There are no wooden tripods for this price or in the small length of 41cm?!

the price might work out for a used wooden tripod... but <45 cm packed length and sufficient height will not work for wood as far as I know.

Joachim, who did a quick scan though the Berlebach site and didn't find anything...
Under 40cm packed leght, I do not think the maket has here high quality tripods which could carry a Spectiv and also has a hight end ball with Arca swiss
Personal I use for all my activities Berlebach wooden Tripods. Normal the 823, also the mini.
I your case I would say the 723 would fit best. The middle could also expanded with different pipe.
basic tech data:
  • Gewicht: 2,20 kg
  • Transportlänge: 53 cm
  • Minimalhöhe: 53 cm
  • Maximalhöhe: 131 cm
  • Belastbarkeit: 12,00 kg
  • Schwingungsdämpfung: gut
Have fun by scroll personal to the web site.
The Berlebach 723 looks very good. The price is also ok. Unfortunately it's too long and I'm happy with the Sirui T2204x at the moment. The price was of course also very good.
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