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Danum Valley, Sabah (1 Viewer)


New member
United Kingdom
I was wondering if anybody has visited the Danum Valley Field Centre in the last few months and had any insight into the logistics of birding there with/without a guide?

Having read many reports on cloudbirders, most birders talk of contacting the Danum Valley Field Centre Office and arranging a reduced rate deal that does not include a guide. Then (contrary to what is officially allowed) they've been allowed to bird the various trails, unsupervised.

However, having contacted the DVFC office this week it appears this is not possible anymore, with them telling me it is now compulsory to book a package deal with a guide.

Ultimately, I'm trying to ascertain from anybody who has visited recently whether - even though you are forced to pay for a package that includes a general guide - you can still (unofficially) forgo the package itinerary and walk the trails unsupervised?

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