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Denston,West Suffolk (1 Viewer)

marky boy

Well-known member
Hi All,

I have just moved back into suffolk from Herts, to the small village of Denston, which is situated between Haverhill and Bury St Edmunds.(lived in south-east suffolk previousto herts) And would like some info about some local sites in the area. And any Bird Forum Birders living in the area.
Any info would be gratefully received.

Mark F
Hi All,

I have just moved back into suffolk from Herts, to the small village of Denston, which is situated between Haverhill and Bury St Edmunds.(lived in south-east suffolk previousto herts) And would like some info about some local sites in the area. And any Bird Forum Birders living in the area.
Any info would be gratefully received.

Mark F
hi mark
lackford lakes is just outside bury also your not to far from lakenheath fen also you are quite close to thetford forest
I've just remembered the Lavenham Bird Club, which is nearby to you. Unfortunately I do not have any further details.

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