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Diving bird of prey (1 Viewer)

Ashley Thomas

New member
I am trying to identify a bird and can’t find it anywhere. In December I witnessed a medium sized bird of prey, dark brown, in Kwazulu Natal in South Africa, north of Balito. The bird hovered above the water and then dove down into the water to catch a fish. I have seen how fish eagles hunt, by catching fish in their claws, but I have never seen a bird of prey dive completely into the water. An osprey does the same sort of thing, but this bird was completely brown with a yellow beak. Does anybody know what it could be?
Welcome to BirdForum Ashley. I've moved this thread to the ID Forum, where it's more likely to get a response. I'd agree that Yellow-billed Kite might be a good possibility though.
Agree it's likey to be Yellow-billed Kite. 'Black Kite' type birds are known for sometimes fishing in a manner similar to Ospreys.
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