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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

Dr Manjeet Singhs Malayan Patch (4 Viewers)

28th Mch 2008
I felt that this was going to be a day filled with wonder and joy, and I had a huge grin bisecting my bearded face as I drove to my practice. As I galloped through the reception area I saw many patients waiting for me and my grin got wider, well wouldn’t anyone when one considers the revenue that comes in to pay the rent.
Whilst attending to my patients I occasionally glanced through the window and the sun was out and I longed for twelve thirty, my lunch break to come around so that I might dash to my patch to do some enjoyable birding in that sunlight. “Oh those best laid plans of mice and men”. Isn’t it funny when we plan to do something and then ones God takes over? As my nurse brought in the last patient, I glanced at my watch and saw it was eleven thirty, time enough to see this patient and be away to my patch. The patient was a young lady carrying a boy of about six and a half years old. I asked her if there was anything wrong with the child and she said, “He’s having a fever”. I laughed and looked closely at him. On my eye contact with the child I was absolutely stunned by his beautiful, huge brown eyes, eyes that were so big and wide. I asked then if the child could sit on my lap while I examined him, “and by the way, why are you carrying him” she didn’t reply, then the child's hand reached across to me and lay on my face, with his hand resting there on my bearded face, he said, “Dr Uncle, I cant see”. I was shocked and for a minute. ‘I’, the chatty Dr Manjeet Singh had no words to say. I lifted the child from the mom and hugged him, and fumbling in the drawer of my desk I got out my piece of chock-bar and put it in his hand, and held him to me, I felt he was a part of me. I asked the mother why is he blind and how long has he been like this, she said, (with no tears in her eyes, only sadness on her face), “He’s been like this since he was born”. I asked her which doctor have you seen and she gave me the name of the Eye specialist in the University Hospital. This man is my junior and we were from the same school in Klang. I quickly called him and said my friend do you remember me, within second’s he said “Manjeet”, I was so surprised, “How did you know it was me”. He said, “Your voice can never be forgotten because whenever I heard in school it made me smile, it was a laughing voice, don’t be so surprised, many of us cannot forget your voice”. The last time I met this chap was in 1989. I explained the reason why I was ringing him and asked if he was treating a boy called Raman from Klang. He said he was and what is the problem with him, he has a Retinal Visual Defect from birth. I asked if he had done a mental test for this boy to check his intelligence, and he said, “yes, and it is very high”. After putting the phone down I examined the boy and said to the mother, “Please bring this boy here any time he is ill, I don’t charge children with defects. Then a strange thing happened, the boy asked his mother if he could talk to me alone, so she left the room with a quizzical look on her face. I sat him on a chair and said, “OK young man what you want to talk about”. “Uncle I had to come and see you, and tricked my mother to bring me here. Two weeks ago my father's sister came to my house and had a fight with my mother and she blamed my mother for my sightlesness. Uncle, I want to study and work and take care of my parents”. For the second time today I was stunned, here was a six year old boy telling me this, this at a time in a Child's life when he should be out playing childish things. “My neighbor told me to come to you for help, because I want to go to a special school. A school were they teach the blind to read, and you can help me uncle”. I then asked him what his father did and he said he a clerk in a office” A chap like that would be paid about 1500 Malaysian Ringit, not really a high wage, and what with keeping a young family and bills to pay he must be having a difficult time. Then laughingly he said, I heard you don’t charge children like me so you see I am already saving money for my parents. I hugged him again and he said, “I had to be honest with you Dr Uncle”. I called his mother back in and handed the boy to her and said, “You have a very sensible young man there”. I then called up the Ministry of Education, “Oh yes I do have some friends in high places”. I spoke to the department in charge of schools of this kind, and was told that since the child was six and half year old, he must register right now. My friend there said to send the boy tomorrow with the parents, and then he asked if he has had an IQ test, I said yes, by a specialist”. He told me to send the report with the parents because if the child has a high IQ the Government will give a monthly allowance to the child free of charge. When I told the youngster, he shouted, “See mom I told you”. I then rang my specialist friend and said I was sending the mother to pick up the IQ report and explained the situation and said, "do you know the Government charges to see a child for a visit is Rm75", I heard this loud smack of a hand on a forehead and then he said “from now on I will pay the Rm75 for the boy”. I laughed and said, “You’re laughing also”. I gave the boy another hug and ushered them out of the room, saying to the mother, “any problems then just call me”. What an unbelievable morning this turned out to be. There I was feeling so sad earlier when discovering the boy was blind and now so elated at what the future holds for him. With a feeling of satisfaction I bolted for my patch. The sun was above me filling the air with its warmth and as I wandered through the wooded area it dappled through the leaves leaving mottled shadows on the ground. Soon I saw the flutter of a small bird and before me was the Asian Brown Flycatcher. As I focused onto the bird I saw the eye, big, wide and innocent and my thoughts were on the boy. Laughingly I took the picture and left the Patch. I know it’s a common brown bird, but the eye, like the child with no sight makes this a special bird for me.
Asian Brown Flycatcher. Muscicapa dauurica
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LAUGH-LIFE IS SHORT. by Dr.Manjeet Singh

We Doctors too are human, and like everyone we have our ups and downs, we also experience sadness and painful moments, but unlike most people we experience humour in abundance, humour in the many people we see as patients. I am a humorous person and am an advocate in the power of laughing. If a person is suffering pain and sadness then I think anything that makes that person smile or laugh will ease that pain and sadness. This incident happened to me just two weeks ago, it deals with thermometers, and the story turned out like this!
Doctors face many hazards in this our profession, and this I am certain would apply to all Doctors in the world. This Doctor's nemeses are the thermometers for rectal reading. All medical practitioners should know that the rectal thermometer is the most accurate tool for checking the patient’s temperature; however many times this process can prove to be very hazarders. Doctors are sometimes left trying to grab the thermometer which is either disappearing inside, or trying to dodge the thermometer as it is sent out like a bullet from inside the patient.
The last straw for this doctor was when one day he had an obese patient who had come down with a fever. He asked the patient to bend over and inserted the thermometer inside. Immediately the patient inhaled and of course contraction occurred in the posterior. The poor doctor saw the thermometer disappearing inside, and he made a frantic grab for it, but in it went. Poor chap rolled up his sleeves and took his proctoscope and long forceps and started searching for it accompanied by grunts, yelps and groans of pleasure from the patient. After half an hour he saw the offending thermometer a mile inside, and as he tried to grab the back tip of the thermometer with his long forceps, he heard a loud rumbling sound and saw the thermometer coming back like a bullet with the accompanied gases towards him. He tried to dodge but couldn't and the thermometer whacked him on the cheek and bounced off, then broke as it hit the practice wall. After the doctor had recovered from the miasma of foul gases he found he had a huge lump on his cheek and that the patient had bolted! He threw down his gloves and rang the Medical Council and asked them if they had heard of a fool-proof rectal thermometer and the voice at the other end said yes and to please check the latest medical journal as a Dr.Singh has come out with a fool-proof thermometer. He bought the literature and that evening with a large glass of bitter in his hand started reading the journal. On page three he saw this - Quote:



(The company was owned by a Dr.Singh,)

He at once placed an order for all the 50 thermometers.
A week later he gets a call from the Head of postal Services and also the Head of Immigration and they told him that his thermometers had arrived and that they will be delivering it personally by a double-decker bus. The head of both departments were friends of his. The bell rang and the doctor ran to open the door and found his friends were standing there blocking the entrance, they asked him to sign the release order for the thermometer inserters. On signing the form the friends moved back and he saw a long line of fifty six foot tall guys wearing turbans, suits and bow-ties. They were all big hairy Singh’s, and they were all holding a small package in their hands.
The doctor gulped and shouted "ANYONE HERE SPEAKEM ENGLISH?"
A typical Oxford accent replied, "SIR CAN I HELP?", and a TOWERING SINGH STEPS OUT OF THE LINE. The doctor then asks him, “Who are you guys?". The SINGH replied, "WE ARE THE INSERTERS FOR THE THERMOMETERS AND YOU HAVE TO PROVIDE US BOARD AND LODGING."

THE DOCTOR FAINTED whilst his friends collapsed with laughter.

Ps, the Dr.Singh also owns a company in Malaysia, called, “MIGRANTS WANTED WITH JOBS WAITING IN THE WORLD”.
Don't Judge A Book By its Cover.
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