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Eastern Wood Pewee? Lower Hudson Valley, NY (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United States
The same bird is in all 3 photos. They were taken in a grassy field in Sleepy Hollow, NY. Am I correct in calling it an Eastern Wood Pewee?

Thank you for your expertise.


  • Pewee_Rfr_6-20-23_4250.jpg
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  • Pewee_Rfr_6-20-23_4254.jpg
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  • Pewee_Rfr_6-20-23_4260.jpg
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According to my Golden Guide, the lack of an eye ring distinguishes the Pewee from the Willow/Alder flycather. I've attached the first photo, cropped, but at the original resolution. I think I can see an eye ring, which would confirm your ID. Thank you, Birdmeister.


  • Flycatcher_Rfr_6-20-23_4250.jpg
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Thanks for the link. I'm leaning toward an Alder flycatcher based on the shape of the head and the two-toned beak. But that's just a guess. For now I'll just call it a flycatcher.
Yes. And the habitat is more common for a willow than an alder. I will just call it a flycatcher and leave it at that. I think anything more specific would be false precision.
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