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Ecuador birds - Feb 2023 (1 Viewer)

Billy Dog

Active member
Could I ask for help with these, all from the last couple of weeks in Ecuador. Apologies for low quality. Is 1. Solitary Sandpiper Limpiopungo Lagoon, about 3900m at Cotopaxi)? Is 2. female Ecuadorian Hillstar (about 4400 metres at Chimborazo)? Is 3. Hooded Mountain-Tanager (near Banos at about 2500m)? 4 and 5 - no idea (near Banos at about 2,400m). is 6 Western Emerald (near Quito Airport at 2800 m))? And is 7. White-bellied Woodstar (also near Quito Airport)? To try your patience, is there any scope for suggesting IDs for two birds for which I have no photos? The first was at Banos (about 2000m) and looked very much like a washed out European Robin or Red-breasted Fkycatcher, with pale orangey sides and white in the wing. The second was near Quito Airport, with all the colouration and size of a Rusty Flowerpiercer but with a clear white eye stripe. Thank you.


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1 greater yellowlegs (despite appearances: see e.g. yellowish bill base)
2,3 agree
4 ?Tyrian metailtail
5 perhaps white-crested elaenia (or sierran)
6 any more photos? It looks a bit like a violetear but I'm pretty sure it's not
7 agree
Bird 1: check and rule out cinnamon flycatcher
Bird 2: check and rule out fawn-breasted tanager
1 greater yellowlegs (despite appearances: see e.g. yellowish bill base)
2,3 agree
4 ?Tyrian metailtail
5 perhaps white-crested elaenia (or sierran)
6 any more photos? It looks a bit like a violetear but I'm pretty sure it's not
7 agree
Bird 1: check and rule out cinnamon flycatcher
Bird 2: check and rule out fawn-breasted tanager
Many thanks. I think this is the same bird as 6.


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For 4, how about Buff-tailed Coronet? Short bill, suitably sized/shaped post-ocular* spot, dark uppertail, etc. Not much to contra-indicate.

*had to look that up.
No buff tail sides, green is different hue in most coronet images. tail is reddish / bronze in op pic. Reasonably sure it's tyrian metaltail: just looks a little odd because of the angle.
"No buff tail sides, green is different hue in most coronet images. tail is reddish / bronze in op pic. Reasonably sure it's tyrian metaltail: just looks a little odd because of the angle."

Fair enough.
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