New member

Hello everyone,
In April 2024 I will go to Ecuador and I want to spend around 11 days birding the eastern slope and visit 3 or 4 sites(Papallacta one of them). I have to do it on a low budget since I am young and still a student so I also don't wantrent a car. I was wondering if you guys know any birding sites on the eastern slope that are good nowadays in 2023. I figured Gareno and Rio Bigal have been good spots but recent information isn't easy to find but other suggestions are also more than welcome. Furthermore I will also spend a few days in Mindo. I'm also wondering if you know any to tour companies that organize morning tours for not too much(Paz de las aves, Milpe, Mashpi etc.) so I can mix it with solo birding in the afternoon. I hope you can answer my answer my questions because I look very much forward visiting this beautiful country.
Cheers, Floris
In April 2024 I will go to Ecuador and I want to spend around 11 days birding the eastern slope and visit 3 or 4 sites(Papallacta one of them). I have to do it on a low budget since I am young and still a student so I also don't wantrent a car. I was wondering if you guys know any birding sites on the eastern slope that are good nowadays in 2023. I figured Gareno and Rio Bigal have been good spots but recent information isn't easy to find but other suggestions are also more than welcome. Furthermore I will also spend a few days in Mindo. I'm also wondering if you know any to tour companies that organize morning tours for not too much(Paz de las aves, Milpe, Mashpi etc.) so I can mix it with solo birding in the afternoon. I hope you can answer my answer my questions because I look very much forward visiting this beautiful country.
Cheers, Floris