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Ecuador eastern slope birding (1 Viewer)


New member
Hello everyone,

In April 2024 I will go to Ecuador and I want to spend around 11 days birding the eastern slope and visit 3 or 4 sites(Papallacta one of them). I have to do it on a low budget since I am young and still a student so I also don't wantrent a car. I was wondering if you guys know any birding sites on the eastern slope that are good nowadays in 2023. I figured Gareno and Rio Bigal have been good spots but recent information isn't easy to find but other suggestions are also more than welcome. Furthermore I will also spend a few days in Mindo. I'm also wondering if you know any to tour companies that organize morning tours for not too much(Paz de las aves, Milpe, Mashpi etc.) so I can mix it with solo birding in the afternoon. I hope you can answer my answer my questions because I look very much forward visiting this beautiful country.
Cheers, Floris
For montane cloud forest birding on the east slope the Guacamayos Ridge trail is brilliant https://ebird.org/hotspot/L468859. You can stay in/near Cosanga and just bus or arrange a tai through your accom to the trailhead. Worth 2 days birding. I'm sure there are other budget birding opportunities nearby nowadays.

Mindo you can do via bus/taxi. Arrange for a taxi to take yo to whatever your destination is for the day. Most/many of the birding destinations are near/on the main hwy and you can just flag down a bus to return at the end of the day. Somewhere like Paz de las Aves you'll want to book ahead and may be best to do with a local guide as you suggest. I suspect you will have difficulty finding a group to join onto though.
Just going to jump in here to wish Floris a warm welcome to BirdForum and glad you found us and joined in :)
In April 2024 I will go to Ecuador and I want to spend around 11 days birding the eastern slope and visit 3 or 4 sites(Papallacta one of them). I have to do it on a low budget since I am young and still a student so I also don't wantrent a car. I was wondering if you guys know any birding sites on the eastern slope that are good nowadays in 2023.
No recent information. However, the company that runs Guango and San Isidro lodges used to make arrangements where transportation from Quito was included in the price. How that compares to your budget I do not know.
No recent information. However, the company that runs Guango and San Isidro lodges used to make arrangements where transportation from Quito was included in the price. How that compares to your budget I do not know.
Most of the lodges around Quito will pick up people at the airport. At some lodges this is included free, for some pickup is free but you pay to return and for others you pay both ways. Paz de Aves will pick up people at the airport and return for $99. To be fair, their lodge is a long way from the airport on the other side of the city.
Guango and San Isidro are quite expensive, worth the money, but certainly not a low budget birding.

For the Cosanga area, you can stay at Cabanas Tamiaju. They have some good forest on their grounds and are close to the guacamayos ridge.

For the amazon basin you could get an accomodation in or close to Misuahali. Birding was surprisingly good in the area. We stayed at Grand Selva Lodge & Tours | Amazonia which was fine. Bus is running directly at the access road, and from there on you could basically be in the forest on foot easily, thouhg you definetly want to visit misuahali 1 morning at Laguna Paikawe and the observation "tower" at Ama Ecolodge
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