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Escaped owl 'could target dogs' (BBC News) (1 Viewer)

I sem to remember an Eagle Owl in St Pauls Cathedral, years ago now, that was allegedly taking things like Yorkshire Terriers and Poodles off their leads, probably an urban myth, but still, I'd like to see that !
It's a well known fact that eagle owls survive on a diet that consists of nothing but dogs and small children.

That's why there are none of either left alive on the continent, yet eagle owls thrive.
There was one a few years ago that was hanging around Middlesbrough Centre, that one did wonders for the feral Pigeon population...cant remember the local paper here mentioning small Dogs etc did have a few swoops at people. In fact there was quite a fan club for it {more popular then the Footie team]

Here it is http://www.birdforum.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=130302
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The technical measure meants of the Eagle Owl are impressive. (I have never seen one)WHat do these birds look like the first time you see one? What compares to it if anything? Sometimes you have to see a bird in person to really "get it" and this is one of those birds. (MEASUREMENTS: The Eurasian Eagle-Owl has a body length of 24 - 29 inches, a wingspan of 5 - 6 feet, and weighs 3 1/2 - 9 pounds. The Eurasian Eagle-Owl is one of the largest owls in the world)

The first one I saw was a complete accident. We were on our last evening of a holiday in south-eastern Spain and coming out of a restaurant we noticed that a spectacular sunset was building. We walked a couple of hundred yards to the top of a small cliff that gave us good views and settled to enjoy the show.

A bird flew by close by us. My wife saw it about a second after I'd latched onto it.

She asked "What's that? It looks like an owl or something."

My reply was "It is, but it's as big as a bloody heron".

I think that just about describes it. I was stunned.
Eagle Owl

Here's one i took earlier lol.


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And it is more entertaining than the Footie .. When I used to work evenings I finished work at midnight it was sometimes hanging around nearby it was quite eerie when it would start calling out.

watching paint dry is more entertaining than watching boro play 8-P

ive been lucky enough to feed and fly an eagle owl the guy who let me told me a story of it chasing a stoat that was chasing a rabbit when it 'saved' the rabbit from the stoat everyone cheered until it started chasing the rabbit it had previously saved

strange peoples perceptions of what animals other animals can and cant eat (yet they still probably have turkey at christmas and a sunday roast)
watching paint dry is more entertaining than watching boro play 8-P

ive been lucky enough to feed and fly an eagle owl the guy who let me told me a story of it chasing a stoat that was chasing a rabbit when it 'saved' the rabbit from the stoat everyone cheered until it started chasing the rabbit it had previously saved

strange peoples perceptions of what animals other animals can and cant eat (yet they still probably have turkey at christmas and a sunday roast)

Not directly related, but this reminds me of a recent trip to Skomer. Watching the Puffins (of course!) everything was natural bliss and harmony. Suddenly one bird lunged at another and more than one half-muffled shriek came from female observers! As if it was wrong in the scheme of things for such cute little birds to have a go at each other now and then. Well, there has to be more to life than just sand eels and cliffs, surely?

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