The Scottish Crossbill, the UK's only endemic bird, faces extinction according to the RSPB.
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Mmmm. This is an old story - I recall something along the lines of the Scottish Crossbill being 'displaced' to Iceland !
Whilst I generally support the RSPB ( I am member !) in their conservation efforts, I believe that ill informed PR does not do them or the climate change argument any favours.
There was a very good piece on the general misinformation within the press and media regarding the effects of climate change in a recent Scottish Bird News (No.84, June 2006) by Dr. Adam Watson, a leading and very respected Scottish ecologist.
Regarding, Scots Pines and Crossbills, Dr. Watson writes:
"Soil changes under natural conditions are extremely slow, and the consensus is that it may take 1000 years for soil in temperate regions to reach a relatively stable state. Also, soils are resistant to change under natural conditions. Hence the infertile podzols of Caledonian pinewood should continue, as should plants that prefer them, such as heather and pine, and animals that use these plants, such as crossbills. Also, Scots pine thrives on land far hotter than Scotland, such as some Mediterranean regions. The key factor is soil".
Dr. Watson in his piece is not denying that climate change is real or a problem for the future, but rather is drawing attention to the fact that the evidence or facts are not being reported responsibly or factually by the media. This would seem to include the RSPB PR machine.