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Female flycatcher in Sichuan, China (1 Viewer)

Tom Tarrant

Bird and Wildlife Tour Guide
Opus Editor
Took this flycatcher pic along the Longcanggou Mountain road, Sichuan, China in May 2016.
We thought at the time that it might be a female Slaty-blue Ficedula tricolor (I believe our guide Summer Wong has seen them here before) but some of the plumage features look inconsistent to me. It appears to have a dark-rump with white above. Maybe a juvenile male?

Have cross-posted this on the Sichuan forum (http://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?p=3414067#post3414067)


  • slfc_5577e.jpg
    173.8 KB · Views: 86
Well done Mark, am not sure why I 'missed' Rufous-gorgetted....they were fairly common in the area.

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