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Ferruginous Duck (1 Viewer)

Alexander Stöhr

Well-known member

the Opus page for Ferruginous Duck shows a juvenile Common Pochard imo.

You can apply the features mentioned here Ferruginous Duck photo ID guide too. And please note the pale eye-ring and the paler area near the bill base, together with the paler chin resulting in a good head pattern for a Common Pochard.

And important for me you know: tfs this excellent close-up portrait Florian!

the Opus page for Ferruginous Duck shows a juvenile Common Pochard imo.

You can apply the features mentioned here Ferruginous Duck photo ID guide too. And please note the pale eye-ring and the paler area near the bill base, together with the paler chin resulting in a good head pattern for a Common Pochard.

And important for me you know: tfs this excellent close-up portrait Florian!
Yes absolutely correct. Common Pochard.

You may have seen elsewhere that I suggest a unique selling point for opus is id information (i.e. not present on ebird etc). You might consider adding some here...

the Opus page for Ferruginous Duck shows a juvenile Common Pochard imo.

You can apply the features mentioned here Ferruginous Duck photo ID guide too. And please note the pale eye-ring and the paler area near the bill base, together with the paler chin resulting in a good head pattern for a Common Pochard.

And important for me you know: tfs this excellent close-up portrait Florian!
Thanks Alexander.

I have now deleted that picture. The reason it's taken me so long is my attempts to find a juvenile Ferruginous Duck to replace that image with, but just can't find one in the Gallery as yet. Trouble is I really don't know this species at all, so one doesn't just "jump out at me" like a Mallard would LOL

But thanks so much for spotting it and reporting it to us.
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