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Find the banana in this image (1 Viewer)

KC Foggin

Very, very long time member
United States
You have to pause before scrolling down on all these things because there will inexorably be some kind of spoiler or something ... ;-)

I couldn't find a banana in the picture.

It looks to me like the girl just has a hairband (Alice band?) on her head which due to the picture angle bears a passing/superficial resemblance to a banana, nothing more, nothing less. A real banana would fall off her head at that angle*. It could have been glued into place, but that seems unlikely. It is good for children to have an active imagination, but this is just strange. I am sure most of us have never come across youngsters gluing or otherwise afixing fruit to themselves in this manner.

Why would she even have a banana on her head anyway??

*(A banana falling off a child's head could also pose an imminent safety risk if not picked up immediately. It is well known that bananas pose a significant and dangerous slipping risk to passersby)
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