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Flock of large birds over Copenhagen (1 Viewer)


New member
I'm on a visit to Copenhagen and I've just seen a large flock (c 100) of large birds circling over the city centre. They were too high to make out much in the way of markings. My initial thought was White Stork but I don't think they come this far north. Consulting the books I'm wondering if Spoonbill is more likely. Or cranes? Anyone know which species would occur in such numbers this far north at this time of year?
Common Cranes will definitely be passing north in good numbers, possibly around now. Large flocks of Spoonbill or White Stork (latter also an early migrant) in those sort of numbers seem less likely imo.

Did you hear anything?
Many thanks. They were too high up to hear anything and we were in the city centre on a noisy tourist boat! I think you are right - very likely Common Cranes
Saw a pair of cranes circling this morning while sipping a Chai Tea at the Tivoli Gardens. Low enough to positively identify this time. Spotting birds at the most unlikely times! I've also seen my first summer plumage Red-necked Grebes - gorgeous.

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