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Garden ponds (1 Viewer)

The Robin

Well-known member
United Kingdom
Sorry if someone has already posted this before but I've been watching a few YouTube videos about garden ponds.
I have a big garden that my wife used to look after. It was beautiful then but then she got ill and I lost all interest in it and it grew over with weeds and brambles.
This year I was ashamed when I ventured for the first time. I found loads of dumped house rubbish from the neighbours over looking my back garden where they had an extension built. Also the two very old mature cherry trees had blown down a few years back.
To cut a long story short I decided to pull my arse in gear and make it somewhere where my wife can sit out in the 4 days of summer we get here in Yorkshire.
I replaced my old empty unused bird feeders and found my old enjoyment of watching the birds and started to clear the back with a scythe I had bought.
Now I am considering a garden pond if I can get it to fit, there's room but I don't want it to stick out looking out of place. I'm also worried my best friend will spend all his time in it.
To make my mind up I would like some advice on
How do you keep algae away
Keeping it clean
Are they worth it
Any advice would be much appreciated. I can't afford a landscaper but can rope in great ates to help.
Thanks in advance
We’ve got a small garden pond and it’s great for attracting wildlife and doesn’t take much maintenance. Check out these websites for advice
We’ve got a small garden pond and it’s great for attracting wildlife and doesn’t take much maintenance. Check out these websites for advice
Thanks Sc0tty I'll definitely look into that. I have the space but I don't want it to look like a mucky puddle in the middle of my garden. I'm sure if I rejig my garden and plan it right it will work and look great.
I spoke to my mate this morning with my new idea and he mentioned an electric pump but I don't see why you would need one if you plant the right pond plants. I'm not interested in fish.

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