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Garden warbler song? Thursley Common, UK (1 Viewer)

Only had the most fleeting of glimpses. When I first heard the song it sounded very scratchy, like a whitethroat/dartford warbler.
Is this a garden warbler or a blackcap?

'Certainly a Garden Warbler. I always think of this bird as a halfway house between a Whitethroat and a Blackcap. You can hear the flutey tone of the Blackcap in him and the scratchy tone of the Whitethroat.

My next door neighbour has one in his garden and one was here last year also. Surprising given it's not a garden bird at all, we're not far from the coast and I suppose woodland isn't too far away but we're certainly not backing on to woodland. What we do all have in this street is a large back garden and the front section is cultivated but the back section is left wild by pretty much everyone. The next door neighbour has a good number of shrubs and trees with blossom for him to get lost in. 'Haven't heard him singing for a few days, mainly because of being at work, but a few days back he was singing his head off over the road outside of the front garden which really isn't his type of habitat at all, surprised me.
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