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Hello to all. Thank you in advance for any help you offer. (2 Viewers)


Active member
United States
Hi!. I'm looking for some advice, and perhaps some new friends. I inherited my mother's house in 2018 - perhaps because I took care of her for years (in the same house). First place I've ever owned. My mother didn't believe in feeding birds. She stopped doing it decades ago after she read that it would encourage dependency. She told me If I put one up and for any reason had to discontinue the feeding, they'd die. Is that true?

I'm 69 and in poor health. Rapidly declining vision. I love birds and want to see more of them, but my vision is the issue. A few weeks ago I cleaned it up my mother's old hopper feeder filled it with a variety of new seeds purchased at the local garden supply center and suspended it from a shepherd's hook. The hook wasn't long enough to stick in the ground so I had mounted it at an angle from the back deck. The feeder is about 7 1/2 feet off the ground and about 7 feet from the kitchen window. So far the squirrels have left it alone. I get a few birds. but they are very skittish. If they even see me enter the kitchen (a good 20 feet away), they take off like a rocket. I walk very quietly in my bare feet, and don't make any sudden motions, but can't get to a good viewing distance. There was no opportunity to mount the feeder anywhere else, other than a tree 40 feet from the kitchen window. Too far for me to see.

How do I get these birds to trust me? A friend said they thought there was a film I could put on the window that act like a one way mirror. Anyone here familiar with that?
Hi Engineeringtech and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators. Don't worry. If you start feeding the birds and then have to stop for any reason, they will simply find somewhere else to eat. Sounds like you may be in the country, so they will only visit you for supplementary food anyway I'd think. The birds should get used to you moving around in the kitchen. They soon get used to regular events.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.

Hi, welcome to the forum. As Delia said stopping the feeding will just send them back to natural feeding. I haven’t heard about a film you can put on the windows, the birds should get over the skittishness soon. You can even buy feeders that will attach to windows that would give close-up views.
Thank you all. Do I try to gradually introduce them to my presence by being quiet? Or should I just go about my normal business in the kitchen. They are off like a rocket when they see me.
Welcome to Birdforum. I hope you enjoy your visits.

I would carry on as normal. I have a lot of feeders about ten feet from my study window and the birds feed from them happily all the time I’m at my desk. If I get up and move around, they will fly off.
Welcome aboard and be patient :) I'm sure before long they will get used to seeing movement inside.
Welcome aboard and be patient :) I'm sure before long they will get used to seeing movement inside.
Well over a month has passed, and the birds, excepting a few chickadees and some plump little grey birds zoom away the instant I enter my kitchen, whether I turn on the light or not. The cardinal only comes at dusk when it is very hard to see him. And if he sees the slightest motion in the house, he takes off like a rocket. I check the feeder every couple days to make sure it is full, and I also set out a fresh dish of water for them every day. The chickadees are the only birds that seem to go for the water.
Don't worry too much, there is plenty of feed in the wider countryside so it could be a while till numbers of birds come to you. It took a few months till they found my feeders, then quite a while to get used to me.

As for their nervousness, when you go out to feed them, as soon as you open the door (or whatever), announce your presence. They will soon get used to your voice then associate that with the door being opened and eventually that it means breakfast is served! Some species will always be very nervous of movement noticed from inside the room (corvids particularly in my area due to centuries of persecution).

There's little you can do about that I guess.
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