Hi - I'm an elder geek that enables my wife's bird watching addiction. We are good friends of Diane and Michael Porter of birdwatching.com fame. We are located in rural southeast Iowa, USA. We use a combination of vintage Zeiss Dialyt 7x42Bs and vintage B&L 7x26 custom compact binoculars along with a 9 camera Reoliink 8K video surveillance system to keep track of wildlife activity in our yard. I came here as the result of a Google link about Kowa spotting scopes. We have a TSN-1 and I plan to make a solar filter that will allow me to use it to observe the April 8th, 2024 total solar eclipse. I'm interested in Digi scoping the event and looking for experienced users of attachments that perform well in this application. I have also ordered a SVBONY SC001 Wifi Camera and wondered if anyone here has tried to use this with a Kowa scope. I'm also planning to use it with a Celestron Nexstar 5 that I am upgrading to an SE.