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New member
Hello all,
Over the past 2-3 years i've been developing a new tripod Seat. Yes you can actually sit on this tripod in comfort for many a long hour.
By attaching your camera head to the top of the front support arm, using your quick release, you can attach and detach your camera, telephoto, spotting scope and binoculars.
The seat rotates, 360 degrees silently, a fully adjustable front support arm which can tilt and adjust to any height. The back support is height adjustable also.
The camera is held completely steady even for high magnification situations.
The seat weighing just 7 kilos (excluding camera etc) is compact and can be used in hides also.
That's a bit of a description of the Chair - I wonder if you will take a look at the attached photo and give me opinions please positive or negative.
Camera Tele.jpg
Looks good to me. I'd imaging most would hope it can also be used at normal height for when standing.

Maybe a Mark II version has all-terrain wheels and a motor, super then :)
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