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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

Hi from Pollenca (1 Viewer)


United Kingdom
Hi, just arrived bak in my beloved Pollenca after 18 months exile. I’m keen to watch birds whilst over here, I’m pretty okay with uk species but hopeless at Mallorcan birds so I’m trying to learn as much as possible. Have to say it looks pretty quiet as I cycle around Pollenca, is it the time of year? Having said that it’s quiet in the UK too, as the birds hunker down after raising their offspring.
Hi there Richie and a warm welcome to you from those of us on staff here at BirdForum (y)
We're glad you found us and please join in wherever you like ;)
Hi Richie and a warm welcome from me too.

It always seems to be quiet during August; things will soon perk up again though (well I hope they do LOL).

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I hope to hear about all the birds you see when out and about.
HI, welcome to the forum. I think you will find us a friendly and helpful group.
Thanks all. My First trip was to Puerto Pollenca the small reserve near the beach. Looked good on the internet. Nothing to see really, a few desultory Sparrows and Mallards etc. But the paths littered with dog mess. Disappointing to say the least, not sure why they allow locals to walk their dogs with the express purpose of littering the paths. A few bins might be an idea! Or maybe ban dogs dunno. Not my country so I should remain neutral. As soon as the heat dies down Im off to the mountains! Oh well….
Hi there Richie and a warm welcome to you from those of us on staff here at BirdForum (y)
We're glad you found us and please join in wherever you like ;)
I’m wanting to post a query but cannot figure out how to do a new post so I found this old post and clicked on reply from your response! Seems the only way to ask! Hope you get this and can help, all I seem to be able to do is start a conversation but the box asks for a recipient not a general post to the forum? Any help greatly appreciated!
To post a new thread, in the list of forums find the forum you want to post in. Once in that forum towards the top right of the screen you should see a red box that says “post new thread” click on that and a box will come up for your new thread. Put in a title then down below that you should see a box to type your info in. Hope this helps.
Hi Richard

Sorry you're not finding it easy to start a thread. LOL Lisa has just beat me to a reply!

Don't be afraid to come back with another question if you still need more help. Or start a conversation with a Moderator (name is in orange on the front page) showing who is currently on line.
Warning! This thread is more than 1 year ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.

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