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How to change a genus in an Opus page (1 Viewer)

delia todd

If I said the wrong thing it was a Senior Moment
Staff member
Opus Editor
Detailed explanations of what needs to be done when changing the Genus name for any species. This is showing what needed to be changed in one species where the genus changed from Estrilda to Brunhilda. There's 5 basic changes as shown on the following 4 Parts.

This looks a lot more complicated than it really is, so if you want to help, please give it a go.


  1. Click on the Edit tab at the very top of the article. This opens the article fully ready for editing.
  2. Change Genus name at the top. The coding round the old Genus name is a link to the current Genus page. So this Genus name needs to be updated.
  3. This will 'unlink' the old Genus name, which should now be formatted in italics below the new one (see image)

Opus Genus change Part 1.jpg

Sometimes the second part of the Scientific name (the binomial) changes completely (rarely), more often it just changes gender. Change only the one in the 'new' name. For instance the old scientific name may be H. sulphuriferus but the new one becomes M. sulphurifera. Do not change the old one.

If you have any queries about what to do, or if something doesn't look right, please don't be afraid to ask.


  1. Scroll down to the Taxonomy section
  2. If the species is Monotypic, move on to Part Three otherwise...
  3. Change the first letter of the previous Genus name to the first letter of the new one in the subspecies list

Opus Genus change Part 2.jpg



  1. Scroll down to the References section
  2. The only reference which need concern you is the Clements one, which could be of any date. Change it to the current 2024 one, either by changing the date to Oct24 or by completely replacing it with the new template : {{Ref-Clements6thOct24}}
EDIT: The reference shown in red below is dated "Oct22". This should now read Oct24

Opus Genus change Part 3.jpg



  1. Scroll down to External Links
  2. At the very bottom of the page is a row of Categories. Birds will be one, another should be the old Genus name. This should be changed to the new one.
  3. The Editors will deal with the Gallery search (just ask if you want to give it a go ;)

Opus Genus change Part 4 split without GSearch .jpg
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