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Hummingbird (1 Viewer)


New member
United States
I've used every brand of premixed nectar/4 to 1 mix homemade and hummingbirds don't like it. They come to feeder and fly away. Last year they came in droves. Any idea whats wrong?
Hi Scott and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators. I've moved your post to the Hummingbird forum, as I feel they're better placed to be able to help you.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
They do the same thing with the flowers in my hummingbird garden. They're spending less time there this year than last summer. I assume it's because there are better-tasting flowers elsewhere, or more insects. Maybe different types of food are easier when feeding the young in the nest.

Their metabolism makes it very costly to be in flight, so I'm guessing they must choose wisely about where to feed. Have to optimize the payoff for the effort. In early summer there are still a lot of flowering trees in bloom, which can provide an enormous amount of nectar in one cental location. I assume they're spending their time perched in that tree versus having to fly around my garden. Usually by August I'm seeing more of them.
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