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Icterine warbler? Eastern Sweden 14th June 2023 (pics+audio) (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Dear all,

I've been bothered by this warbler singing loudly on mornings and evenings on the edge of a small patch of woods and river by my house on the east coast of Sweden 150kms north of Stockholm. I can't attest to its vocals mid-day, but late in the night it's quiet. It's typically perched quite high up on the grey alder tree seen in the attached pictures or hidden in a tall cherry trees. The bird sings slowly with expert mimicry of ca 3-5 repeated calls (grey wagtail, red crossbill, reed bunting are some of the suggestions given by BirdNet) and then takes a short break before switching to next phrase. I've uploaded some of the vocalizations. It feeds in-between singing moving about quite openly and today it chased away a garden warbler.

This is a patch where I've encountered Icterine warblers every summer including this one. However, this bird bird is not as yellow as those I've previously observed and to me the song is both lazier and lacking the numerous rubber duck squaks. Furthermore, my Collins guide suggests that Icterine warbler should have grey legs while at least in some of the attached pictures this appears to have slightly more yellow legs. Yet I can't think of a better alternative either.

What would you suggest as the best ID? Your help will be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: The pics didn't upload, apologies.


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Dear Brian,

Thank you for the reply suggestion! I've only ever heard Blyth's sing in the night so I didn't consider it, but both the looks and repetitions match better. The bird in pictures was also strikingly loud! Blyth's reed warbler is an uncommon visitor to hereabouts, but there was one singing just a kilometre from my place last week.
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