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ID Plz- Papua New Guinea, Central Province, Sogeri, Crystal Rapids- 6 May 2023 (1 Viewer)


Active member
Sorry for the bad photo but that is the only photo I could shoot before the bird flew by. It looks like a parrot to be me but more diagnosis can help


  • 0N3A1645.JPG
    85.8 KB · Views: 32
Purely a guess based on the photo and location, I would look for pictures of a young female Red-cheeked Parrot to see if that matches what you saw. I read on-line that the bill gets greyer as the females get older. Depending on the lighting, maybe a male might fit; their bills don't go grey. But just a suggested place to start looking - I'm not sure.


  • Red-cheeked Parrot.JPG
    Red-cheeked Parrot.JPG
    137.2 KB · Views: 7
The female's head is brown; the male's is reddish. In your picture, it appears the head is brown to me. While I have no personal experience with the aging process of this species, on-line it says younger females have a more yellow or orangish bill that gets greyer as they age. In the composite photo I posted above I looked for female pictures that matched your photo's bill color.
Thanks Joe. I thought the face was little reddish than brownish. I did see some Red cheeked female fly by after few minutes of clicking this bird. Attached is the photo.


  • 0N3A1738.JPG
    265 KB · Views: 6
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