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It's about time I joined...:-) (1 Viewer)


New member
Hi everybody,

Long time lurker here. I'm a Canadian who has lived in South Korea for the past 16 years. My husband and I use our extra time to go birding around the world, mostly independently, occasionally with guides and even a tour once in a while. I am looking forward to tapping the wide resources on this forum to help me plan our trips. Countries we've birded include Ecuador, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, South Africa, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, South Korea, Taiwan, Luzon (Philippines) and Australia. We mostly do it by ourselves, so I'm also happy to help with any questions. This summer it's off to the Lesser Sundas, Indonesia.

Thanks for reading my little blurb! And happy, safe birding to everyone.
Hi Elizabeth and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Hi, welcome to the forum. I think you will find us a friendly and helpful group. I’ve heard Indonesia has some fantastic birding.
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