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KOWA TSN-4 conversion to 45 eyepiece (1 Viewer)


New member
United States
I wish to convert a straight configuration Kowa TSN-4 spotting scope to 45 degree. Has anyone done this? I'm trying to loacte a 45 degree prism adapter that might work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
No way. Even if you fit a diagonal past the bayonet opening you will not be able to make the scope focus. Focus is very limited. With a telescope focusers have comparatively tremendous travel. Not so with spotting scope focus adjustment. Sorry.
I wish to convert a straight configuration Kowa TSN-4 spotting scope to 45 degree. Has anyone done this? I'm trying to loacte a 45 degree prism adapter that might work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I've done it! and this may sound radical but its simple, I bought an old TSN-1 that was damaged and changed the eyepiece end by unscrewing it and replacing it with the angled section. You must remove the first prism as it is no longer required, very simple to do this. Its going the other way that is impossible, you cannot change a TSN-3 angled into a TSN-4 straight, as you need the extra prism for this change.
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