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ZEISS DTI thermal imaging cameras. For more discoveries at night, and during the day.

Lesser Florican end August (1 Viewer)

Hi all
I am planning a 5 day 4 night trip for the stunning and critically endangered Lesser Florican as well as Green Avadavat, White-throated/Stolitzka's Bushchat and Rock Bush-Quail (among others) in the last week of August 2022. There are only 350 Lesser Florican left and so this is urgent. They can only really be seen in the monsoon (i.e. August) when performing their stunning aerial display flights. This will be intensive birding trips to try and see these and as many other targets as possible. I am looking for other like-minded people (1-3) to join and share costs preferably sharing rooms (but not essential). This would be with the top guides in the area.
Any interest please contact me philip.hansbro at uts.edu.au. Please feel free to ask around.
Thanks and best
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