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LOCAL LIVE.COM - Aeriel Photos, Maps, Bird's Eye Views - UK (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
LOCAL LIVE.COM - Aerial Photos, Maps, Bird's Eye Views

Hi everyone

Just found this website, I believe it is a new one, that has excellent aerial photos, maps and birds eye views. Just type in a postcode, town etc to see your local patch in great detail. The aerial photos are about five years old, but useful nevertheless.

It is very slow to load if you don't have broadband, but worth it in the end. You can also save and share maps and there is a route finder too.

Seems a great resource to me and much better than the aerial photos from multimap. You can view an area in great detail before you visit.
See what you think.


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Hey, thats nice. Not a rip of Google Maps either. I can see my house from here.

Bottom is south, great views.
wow B :) B :) B :) :t:

I love this stuff,used to like the google earth site but that kept freezing
so I deleted it from my desktop.

the detail on this site appears to be just a little better than the high in the sky products from getmapping aerial photography,they cost about £9 from amazon covering just one county.

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Kezza said:
Hi everyone

Just found this website, I believe it is a new one, that has excellent aerial photos, maps and birds eye views. Just type in a postcode, town etc to see your local patch in great detail. The aerial photos are about five years old, but useful nevertheless.

It is very slow to load if you don't have broadband, but worth it in the end. You can also save and share maps and there is a route finder too.

Seems a great resource to me and much better than the aerial photos from multimap. You can view an area in great detail before you visit.
See what you think.


Thanks Kezza, you have found a very useful facility there - well done! I can see a previous car of mine in the driveway.



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My initial impression is that its a Microsoft rip off of Google Earth and certainly slower for me than Google Earth is. Be very interesting to see an independent review of the two programmes to see what each has to offer.

Either have great potential IMHO for sharing birding locations as per my earlier posts on this subject....

John F
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