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Looking for a good budget binocular with ED glass 8x42 (1 Viewer)


Birder / Enjoyer of all Nature
United States
Hey all. Recently I have been looking for binoculars with ED glass. I'm hoping to get one used because of the price right now but maybe I'm too picky.

Let me know what you guys think of the binoculars below or recommend a different pair around their price range <350
I have looked at Athlon Optics Midas ED (Wirecutter) but it seems that most birders don't like them very much.
Celestron Trailseeker ED seems good but I would rather not buy new because of the price right now.
Nikon Monarch M5 also looks good because apparently it has the same optics as the Monarch 5 it is also a little cheaper than the Celestrons right now.

Any help if much appreciated, thank you
You sound more frugal than picky, that is OK. Do you wear glasses? that will make a difference on the glass you select.

The Monarch M5 is the newer model and I have heard good things about it, make sure you purchase it from a certified dealer so you will have a valid warranty.
You sound more frugal than picky, that is OK. Do you wear glasses? that will make a difference on the glass you select.

The Monarch M5 is the newer model and I have heard good things about it, make sure you purchase it from a certified dealer so you will have a valid warranty.
Nope not yet!
You should also consider the following two entry level, budget binoculars:

Celestron Nature DX ED 8x42
Wingspan SkyView Ultra HD 8x42

If you're in no rush to buy, just keep an eye out for them pre-owned, used on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace and on Kijiji (depending on the area you are in). Anyone of the binos you're considering could come up used.

And when you do come across a good deal, pounce on it before someone else gets to it first.

That's what I do to keep costs down as I don't use binos enough to warrant me spending a lot for them. I recently picked up a Celestron Nature DX ED 8x42 for $100 Cdn this way. New, they go for $270 Cdn tax incl. It was from an Amazon return reseller, complete and in perfect working condition.

Good luck however you go about acquiring your ED bino.

Recent life long, helpless, incurable, infectious COBBAS victim.
COBBAS - Compulsive Obsessive Bino Buying Addiction Syndrome.
Illness: What I NEED are binos! More binos, bigger binos, better binos, lighter binos, faster binos and even more
Powerful, Super Binos. And finally, when I acquire them all, then only will I be truly happy and be able to enjoy the view ...
Hey all. Recently I have been looking for binoculars with ED glass. I'm hoping to get one used because of the price right now but maybe I'm too picky.

Let me know what you guys think of the binoculars below or recommend a different pair around their price range <350
I have looked at Athlon Optics Midas ED (Wirecutter) but it seems that most birders don't like them very much.
Celestron Trailseeker ED seems good but I would rather not buy new because of the price right now.
Nikon Monarch M5 also looks good because apparently it has the same optics as the Monarch 5 it is also a little cheaper than the Celestrons right now.

Any help if much appreciated, thank you
I have these, and I am quite happy with them. In my opinion, they perform higher than the price level.

Celestron Trailseeker is $264.99 on Amazon right now. I have one and I like it. Bright image, good field of view, not too big. I considered the Monarch 5s but I went with the Celestron because of the much wider field of view.
I am quite pleased with the Athlon Midas 8x42 even though I paid more for them as shipping was to Mexico.
The excellent Wirecutter review was instrumental in my making the purchase.
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I would offer the following under £400/$500 roofs, with best at the top:

Celestron Regal ED flat field FoV 420 ft (140 m)
Svbony SV202 FoV 131m
Barr and Stroud Series 5 FoV 142m
Celestron Trailseeker
Vanguard Spirit SF
Celestron Nature DX
Barr and Stroud Sierra

List now updated with notable FoV info. for 8x42s
Some recommendations from the other similar thread currently running.
Vortex Viper are excellent binos that are inexpensive and have a lifetime warranty. I bought their 12x50 binos and they have been great and a bargain at $257 US.
Not all models. I bought a 12x50mm sample and I was disappointed.
But yes, excellent warranty.
What disappointed you about them? And what did you test them against? I'm in the market for a 12x50 Viper myself to test against 4 other 12x50's I have acquired over the last several months.
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