31 December 2010: it's all over now
The light is beginning to go now even in mid-afternoon, and I know that my year's birding has come to an end. It has been an exciting year for me, mostly with baby but also with birds! I far exceeded my lowly target of 85 species: in spite of having the buggy in tow, we did manage to get out and about more than I had feared. I missed some very obvious species, Corn Bunting and Raven among them, but also enjoyed some lovely moments, including a distant Spoonbill at Otmoor and a magnificent Tawny Owl at Carsington. Bird of the year? Special mention has to go to my first Puffins at Bempton, but perhaps the most enjoyment was had from the pair of Nuthatches nesting in my in-laws' garden.
In summary, 2010 brought me 137 species, all in the UK. Nine were lifers (Barn Owl, Avocet, Spoonbill, Puffin, Pink-footed Goose, Barnacle Goose, Tawny Owl, Bewick's Swan, White-fronted Goose) and a further five new for me in the UK (Brambling, Green Sandpiper, Turtle Dove, Spotted Redshank, Slavonian Grebe).
And 2011? Well, it's back to work four days a week on 4 January. Baby LP is rapidly becoming a toddler, and is ever less willing to sit quietly in his buggy while Mummy and Daddy look for birds. So perhaps this year will be quieter. But we do have a trip to Lesvos planned for the spring, so who knows?
Happy New Year to all, and good birding for 2011! :king: