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Making a heated hummingbird feeder. (1 Viewer)

Here are instructions (see pic) for making a heated hummingbird feeder. Yellow and sky blue squiggly lines show wire connections. Bend a coat hanger to shape to hold and hang the feeder. Clean the feeder weekly now that it’s heated which promote mold growth. This design is rain resistance but not rain proof. With the “top cup” fits snuggly on the bottom cup, and make a few small holes (drainage) at the bottom of the bottom cup then this gizmo is rain proof. With one bulb this heated feeder keeps the sugar solution at 40+F when ambient temp is about 25F. Most likely it should keep the solution above freezing with air temp in the high teen. Add more bulbs if needed.

Temperature control outlet adapter. It energizes the outlet when temp drops below 35F and cut off power when temp above 45F.

Light bulb socket


Plastic Condiment cup

Electrical cord
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