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An email from the Sea Watch Foundation has just reminded me it's National Whale and Dolphin Watch (for the UK) from 26 July - 04 August: National Whale and Dolphin Watch 2024 Sightings!
Interestingly the news item on the sightings page mentions white-beaked dolphins off Whitburn, Tyne and Wear - Puffin Cruises recently reported the same on their FB page near Coquet Island, where bottle-nosed is the most usual cetacean. I've seen a few white-beaked off Northumberland in the past (as well as going on the dedicated WB dolphin pelagic from Seahouses once) - I wouldn't be surprised if they're under-recorded by people without decent binoculars or particularly without a 'scope, who assume they're bottle-nosed.
Interestingly the news item on the sightings page mentions white-beaked dolphins off Whitburn, Tyne and Wear - Puffin Cruises recently reported the same on their FB page near Coquet Island, where bottle-nosed is the most usual cetacean. I've seen a few white-beaked off Northumberland in the past (as well as going on the dedicated WB dolphin pelagic from Seahouses once) - I wouldn't be surprised if they're under-recorded by people without decent binoculars or particularly without a 'scope, who assume they're bottle-nosed.