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Need ID Namibia birds (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hey guys,

I still have a few unID birds from my trip to Namibia, july last year. A few pictures were taken at Victoria Falls.

1) Swakopmund

Sanderling ?

2) Swakopmund

Cape Wagtail ?

3) Etosha

Marico Flycatcher ?

4) Etosha

Really stuck with this one. Maybe female Red-Headed Weaver but the bill seems too thick.

5) Etosha

No idea for this one.

6) Etosha

Don't know what starling it is.

7) Victoria Falls

Yellow Bellied Greenbull ?

8) Victoria Falls

Looking at the range map would have me say Jameson's Firefinch but I can see a grey crown which looks like African Firefinch.

Thanks in advance.

Agree with your ID's apart from at least one that I can't see properly, Bulbul.

5 Stierling's Wren Warbler

6 Is Jameson's, note the reddish back of the neck

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Maybe. It is hard to tell with the angle of light/view. I was thinking maybe Pale Winged Starling but I can't see the pale orange patch on the primaries. And this light greenish color reminds me of Cape Starling.

I am pretty sure that 4) is Southern Masked female Weaver (out of range for Village Weaver).
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Hey guys, I am bringing back this topic because this bird was IDed as Stierling's Wren Warbler, but the picture was taken in Etosha, pretty far out from the range map. Isn't it a Barred Wren Babbler ? My book says it supposed to have dark eyes but I have found a lot of pictures with brown eyes. Cheers.


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