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non-ED MM3 60 advice (3 Viewers)


I'm new into the spotting scope business :)
looking into purchasing a compact, not expensive Scope and I found the MM3 60.
It seams quite good and I'm wondering if there was any one with an advice.
I hear the mm4 ED is better and looking into both the difference is clear, but I'll never do that :D
Compared to for example a kowa TSN-501 would the non ED MM3 be on par or better? (it's brighter for sure...)

Thanks for the advices!
Thanks, but I'm not in UK unfortunately. :)
That should of been obvious, sorry. It is worth doing a search for MM3 and MM4, there are a bunch of threads with people asking similiar questions, I know as I read most of them weekend trying to make a similar decision. I would of plumed for the MM3 but managed to track down an ex-display version of the now discontinued MM3 ED at a reasonable price.
In the meantime I had the opportunity to test out a Kowa TSN-501 in a store (and a 553).
On the plus side it's small, and weights like an empty can of beer.
On the minus side, the zoom is stiff! Had to grab the scope, hold firmly and twist... and then re-aim...

So I ordered the MM3 60mm + HR3 with the opticron case BUT it's not available at the store and Opticron has an unknown delivery date.
The vendor has 2 propositions:
  • Get the MM3 50mm (and get back some money)
  • Get the MM4 60mm (I will have to pay ~ 36% more in respect of the MM3 + case but they will give me the case for free... that would be a ~13% discount on retail price)

In all cases it will be with an HR3 eyepiece.

I'm tempted by the MM4 but not sure I'll really see any difference.
Knowing that with my 'great' experience I was not seeing the difference between tsn-501 and tsn-553...
Granted it was a short test, in the city, without knowing what to search for and with no intention of getting the 553 anyway.
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I like it :)
as already said. I'm an unexperienced user and cannot compare with other scopes, but size and weight are good, build quality is nice. zoom and focus ring are very smooth and the image is good :)
If i should can complain about something:
  • the focus is too slow, and going from very far to very near is very long :D (even with the 'fast' wheel)
  • the case is nice, but it whould be better if it allowed to turn the scope on his collar...
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