The RBBP has just published a paper on non-native birds breeding in the UK. The summary is here...
The full paper is in September British Birds, so subscribers will be getting it soon.
The main takeaway seems to be that Red-crested Pochard seems to be the only one gaining ground, all the others seem to be just hanging on or declining, (ring-necked Parakeet is not included!).
Folk with access to the full paper might like to add any insights missing from the summary.

Non-native breeding birds in the UK, 2015-20
Non-native breeding birds in the UK, 2015-20 Red-crested Pochard, Mark Eaton Update (Sept 2024): the whole report is now available to read and download here. The Rare Breeding Birds Panel is, we hope, well known for our work for monitoring and reporting upon the UK’s rare native birds

The full paper is in September British Birds, so subscribers will be getting it soon.
The main takeaway seems to be that Red-crested Pochard seems to be the only one gaining ground, all the others seem to be just hanging on or declining, (ring-necked Parakeet is not included!).
Folk with access to the full paper might like to add any insights missing from the summary.