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Northern Ecuador August 2024 (3 Viewers)


Well-known member
United States
I'm putting together a trip through Northern Ecuador in early August of next year (2-18). The goal of the tour is to see as many species on both slopes of the Andes and the Amazon.

From request of other birders that plan to join me, I've split the tour into 2 halves, 9-days in the Amazon and the East Slope and 7-days in the West Slope and Antisana. Both tours are cost effective if we manage to get 6 participants and so far I only have 4 confirmations for the West Slope tour.

The summarized itinerary is:
  • Amazon and East Slope
    • August 2 Arrival in Quito
    • August 3 Transfer to Sani Lodge
    • August 4 Sani Lodge
    • August 5 Sani Lodge
    • August 6 Transfer to Wildsumaco
    • August 7 Wildsumaco
    • August 8 Wildsumaco
    • August 9 Guacamayos Ridge and Cabañas San Isidro
    • August 10 Cabañas San Isidro and Guango Lodge
    • August 11 Cayambe and Papallacta Pass
      • End of the first half/arrival day for those doing the second half
  • Antisana and West Slope
    • August 12 Antisana National Park and Pululahua Hostal
    • August 13 Zuroloma and Yanacocha Reserve
    • August 14 Bellavista Reserve
    • August 15 Paz de las Aves
    • August 16 23 de Junio and Milpe Bird Sanctuary
    • August 17 Amagusa Reserve and Guayabillas Road
    • August 18 Punto Ornitologico Mindo and departure
If this appeals to you/want a detailed itinerary and costs. Please reach out, I'm trying to make it a memorable birding tour to the region.
I'm putting together a trip through Northern Ecuador in early August of next year (2-18). The goal of the tour is to see as many species on both slopes of the Andes and the Amazon.

From request of other birders that plan to join me, I've split the tour into 2 halves, 9-days in the Amazon and the East Slope and 7-days in the West Slope and Antisana. Both tours are cost effective if we manage to get 6 participants and so far I only have 4 confirmations for the West Slope tour.

The summarized itinerary is:
  • Amazon and East Slope
    • August 2 Arrival in Quito
    • August 3 Transfer to Sani Lodge
    • August 4 Sani Lodge
    • August 5 Sani Lodge
    • August 6 Transfer to Wildsumaco
    • August 7 Wildsumaco
    • August 8 Wildsumaco
    • August 9 Guacamayos Ridge and Cabañas San Isidro
    • August 10 Cabañas San Isidro and Guango Lodge
    • August 11 Cayambe and Papallacta Pass
      • End of the first half/arrival day for those doing the second half
  • Antisana and West Slope
    • August 12 Antisana National Park and Pululahua Hostal
    • August 13 Zuroloma and Yanacocha Reserve
    • August 14 Bellavista Reserve
    • August 15 Paz de las Aves
    • August 16 23 de Junio and Milpe Bird Sanctuary
    • August 17 Amagusa Reserve and Guayabillas Road
    • August 18 Punto Ornitologico Mindo and departure
If this appeals to you/want a detailed itinerary and costs. Please reach out, I'm trying to make it a memorable birding tour to the region.
Igonz1088, as you know, I'm traveling this fall, but this info is terrific for planning my trip. I would love a detailed itinerary if you don't mind sharing. Thanks.
If I would have time, I would visit Ecuador directly another time :) Itineraray sounds great, can only recommend that tour.

I would love to get a dm with the approximated costs.
I'd perhaps be interested in at least East Slope/Amazon leg, depending on cost. Love to see an itinerary and price estimate.
I'm putting together a trip through Northern Ecuador in early August of next year (2-18). The goal of the tour is to see as many species on both slopes of the Andes and the Amazon.

From request of other birders that plan to join me, I've split the tour into 2 halves, 9-days in the Amazon and the East Slope and 7-days in the West Slope and Antisana. Both tours are cost effective if we manage to get 6 participants and so far I only have 4 confirmations for the West Slope tour.

The summarized itinerary is:
  • Amazon and East Slope
    • August 2 Arrival in Quito
    • August 3 Transfer to Sani Lodge
    • August 4 Sani Lodge
    • August 5 Sani Lodge
    • August 6 Transfer to Wildsumaco
    • August 7 Wildsumaco
    • August 8 Wildsumaco
    • August 9 Guacamayos Ridge and Cabañas San Isidro
    • August 10 Cabañas San Isidro and Guango Lodge
    • August 11 Cayambe and Papallacta Pass
      • End of the first half/arrival day for those doing the second half
  • Antisana and West Slope
    • August 12 Antisana National Park and Pululahua Hostal
    • August 13 Zuroloma and Yanacocha Reserve
    • August 14 Bellavista Reserve
    • August 15 Paz de las Aves
    • August 16 23 de Junio and Milpe Bird Sanctuary
    • August 17 Amagusa Reserve and Guayabillas Road
    • August 18 Punto Ornitologico Mindo and departure
If this appeals to you/want a detailed itinerary and costs. Please reach out, I'm trying to make it a memorable birding tour to the region.
Sounds great and would like to hear some more details please
Update on the tour status for anyone interested.
  • Tour 1 (Amazon and East Slope): 2 people confirmed (need 4 more to run it)
  • Tour 2 (Antisana and West Slope): 6 people confirmed and it can be run (but up to 2 more people can join the group)!
If anyone is interested in joining or has questions, please reach out!
Update on the tour status for anyone interested.
  • Tour 1 (Amazon and East Slope): 3 people confirmed (need 3 more to run it, but finding out how much the price difference would be for a small group)
  • Tour 2 (Antisana and West Slope): 6 people confirmed and it can be run (but up to 2 more people can join the group)
If anyone is interested in joining or has questions, please reach out!
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