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November Trip to Madrid (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I'm due out on a business trip to Madrid in November. I've never birded Spain at all and so am looking for advice on what to look out for "in passing" that might be around at that time of year.

I'm also thinking of staying on an extra day in order to do some dedicated birding of the nearby area. What species might I reasonably see at that time of year and where would be good places to go? Is perhaps the best thing just to get a guide to take me around as it's my first visit and if so are there any recommended people/companies to use?


i enjoyed my time with Luis Sitges. See https://www.birdingtrekkingandnature.com/

If on your own, go to the main parks like El Retiro and keep an eye out for "Spanish" green woodpecker (ssp/sp sharpei depending on taxonomic authority), short-toed treecreeper etc. Introduced parrots of various species are common and there'll probably be some waterfowl in the parks. Alas things like Western Bonelli's warbler will be absent. if going by yourself, Monte el Pardo should have vultures at least, probably also iberian azure magpie etc. I've seen Spanish Imperial Eagle there with Luis.

From memory there are lots of online resources and many sites which are fairly easy to get to by public transport from the centre. Here's one such starting point:

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