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PC problem (1 Viewer)


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About two weeks ago, the HD in my desktop crashed. I have now purchased a replacement HD, and I have gotten it installed, and using my recovery pendrive from a long time ago, I also got windows up and running. The next step is where I have a problem. Checking for windows update, it goes to a restart, and there is a flaw somewhere. It given an error message and just cannot restart. I can go back to the point before this install starts and the PC again starts - when I try updates again, same error. I just do not know what to try next?
Just to be sure:
What version of Windows is installed?
The HD is a new one?
The update is an update and not an upgrade, right? (Not from version 10 to version 11)

All I can suggest at this time is to scan the HD for errors. In this step do not ask the utility to repair, just to detect.
Some manufacturers offer tools to monitor and verify their HD.

All my admiration for having and using restore points.
With checking nothing to do with the ram, especially if an old machine. Failure can cause cryptic errors, issues.
Thank you both! I have used some time this afternoon on further error checking. It seems there is a problem with my video adapter. I therefore tried updating the driver for same. It took another refresh of windows (10) to get this to even look like it might succeed - but in the end it failed, both when I used windows device manager and when I used a download from the manufacturer to attempt the update. I therefore conclude there is a problem with the hardware in this adapter and that I need a new one. I hope everything else works OK.
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