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Pipit, London. (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi all. Just a quick confirmation please of this Pipit that flew overhead when I was on the Walthamstow Reservoirs yesterday. There were some Meadow Pipits around but we've also had Water Pipits on site recently and I wasn't sure of this individual. Apologies for the poor quality of the images.


  • pipit_01.jpg
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  • pipit_02.jpg
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Hi all. Just a quick confirmation please of this Pipit that flew overhead when I was on the Walthamstow Reservoirs yesterday. There were some Meadow Pipits around but we've also had Water Pipits on site recently and I wasn't sure of this individual. Apologies for the poor quality of the images.
Not the best photos, understandably, but looks ok for WP
Not the best photos, understandably, but looks ok for WP

Thanks. I'm getting better at Pipit ID when they're on the deck, but not in flight. Shame I couldn't get better images. I actually tried increasing the saturation of the image to see if there were any buff tones but it stayed pretty neutral, which made me lean towards Water Pipit. It was taken in terrible light though.
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