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Please help ID this Bird (1 Viewer)


New member
  • Southern Ontario (Durham Region) during late August.
  • Khaki brown base colour.
  • Covered in black and white dots or spots all over the body.
  • Did not have a red mark on the head.
Size and Shape:
  • Slightly larger head compared to a typical bird of similar size (e.g. Hermit Thrush).
  • Smaller tail than Hermit Thrush.
  • Slimmer than Hermit Thrush.
  • Part of a flock.
  • No or very soft, subtle sounds, possibly not typical bird calls.

Very closely resembling the Northern Flicker (attached).


  • Screenshot_20230823_162009_WhatsApp.jpg
    591.8 KB · Views: 11
Hi, welcome to the forum. You have a Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker. The best place to ask for an ID is in this forum, as it is where the expert helpers hang out:

I really like the way you laid out the where, when, etc. Helps to figure out the ID.
  • Part of a flock.
Do flickers go around in flocks? I thought that picture had been added as a "similar to" example - and not the actual bird seen?

Hi OsamaK and a warm welcome from me too.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I hope to hear about all the birds you see when out and about.
I misread his post. I thought the picture was taken by him. Now I have no idea.
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