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Private land (1 Viewer)


Im birding in fields, grasslands and hills. They have agricultural land (or better said, they WILL have in the spring) and arable land. They arent owned by state but by people.

Is it illegal or something? There are even hunters in this place so I guess its nothing is it?

I do have natural reservations but they are forests and I prefer open land
' Is it illegal or something? '.... 'really don't understand properly your question :unsure: ... What do you mean exactly ?...
Do you ask this question because you just had problems ?...
First, and as @dantheman said, it depends on the laws in that country...
I live in France, know Germany well and have walked there a lot, and have never asked myself this question... it seems quite 'weird' to me to ask it.
Each land belongs to an owner, private or state, but in our 2 countries you can walk absolutely wherever you want !!... Sometimes, in France, you may come across 'Private woods' signs, but they are there more mainly for possible hunters, but especially for motorbikes or 4x4s that could wandering around !
Very rarely did I come across a landowner in 'his' forest, and ask me what I was doing there... the conversation always went well, just saying that I was observing nature, wildlife, etc... Never the shadow of a problem, and the owner just wish me a good walk !
Except during the hunting season, where the law now obliges hunters to report a hunt in progress with signs, you can freely walk around everywhere !!!!
Do you ask this question because you just had problems ?...
First, and as @dantheman said, it depends on the laws in that country...
I live in France, know Germany well and have walked there a lot, and have never asked myself this question... it seems quite 'weird' to me to ask it.
Each land belongs to an owner, private or state, but in our 2 countries you can walk absolutely wherever you want !!... Sometimes, in France, you may come across 'Private woods' signs, but they are there more mainly for possible hunters, but especially for motorbikes or 4x4s that could wandering around !
Very rarely did I come across a landowner in 'his' forest, and ask me what I was doing there... the conversation always went well, just saying that I was observing nature, wildlife, etc... Never the shadow of a problem, and the owner just wish me a good walk !
Except during the hunting season, where the law now obliges hunters to report a hunt in progress with signs, you can freely walk around everywhere !!!!
No not at all, in fact where I go there are active hunters hunting for pheasants in the fields. I never had problems with this type of things

Its just a thought that came to my mind.
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