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Pub Night (1 Viewer)

Mid Devon Birder

Active member
Hi All,

Over the past few months quite a few of us in South Warks have got to know each other over Twitter. Some of us have met and some of us haven't, so we decided it would be nice to all finally meet up and have therefore arranged a pub night in order to do so.

We then thought, why should this just be exclusive to those in the Warwick area and arranged the evening at the Bowling Green, Southam, CV47 0EP so that those who cover Draycote could possibly join us as well.

After chosing the venue, I then realised that this may be too far for some of those North of Coventry (my excuse is that I ain't from these parts and forget about the distances involved). So, my thoughts are if this get together is a success then perhaps we could organise something at a later date completely central so all maybe able to attend.

Anyway, before jumping ahead, it is probably best to get the current evening already arranged out of the way.

So, if you are free on 13/11/2014 at around 8pm then come and join us for a drink at the Bowling Green, Southam, CV47 0EP.

Hope to see you there
A few of us meet every other Thursday in the Queens Head in Cubbington around 8pm & this Thursday the 6th will be the night.

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