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Red Kite (1 Viewer)



I have recently seen a red kite on the carcass of a hering gull on the marsh behined my house.
Not sure if it had killed it, but I have seen them swoop on jackdaws in the same area.
It was back again the next morning on the same carcass for breakfast !!
Anyone else seen red kites killing prey? I thought they were carion feeders ony.
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That's awesome. I remember when I first saw a Milvus Milvus Red Kite back in 2021 in a meadow.
In which country did you saw him if you don't mind me asking ?
That's awesome. I remember when I first saw a Milvus Milvus Red Kite back in 2021 in a meadow.
In which country did you saw him if you don't mind me asking ?
I live on Gower in south Wales (U.K.) We have lots of red kites here since they were re-introduced some years ago, and have thrived due to feeding stations in mid Wales. They have spread all over the area.
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