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Refugio Los Volcanes, Bolivia (1 Viewer)

Steve Babbs

Well-known member
United Kingdom
Dear all

I am pondering a trip to Bolivia - a country I spent 5 weeks in nearly 20 years ago. Because I am very keen to have a good chance of cats, I am likely to spend sometime with Nick's adventures but I am looking for somewhere else for after this, ideally in the Santa Cruz area. Has anyone been to Refugio Los Volcanes? If so would you recommend it?


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I can recommend it. I only had one night there but it's great. Unless you want a long walk, you need to be very clear with them about your arrival time at the main road so they pick you up. The last part of the access track is extremely steep and somewhat perilous if driving (from memory). Getting there by public transport is easy from Santa Cruz: many buses pass by.

There are good birds but even if you don't see much the setting is spectacular and (from what little I remember) the food good. It is perhaps the place for Bolivian recurvebill (around bamboo on the entrance road near the estancia). Also plenty of military macaw, king vulture, yungas manakin (was somewhat difficult to see: I didn't; but easy to hear)
You should also (of course) go to Santa Cruz botanic garden. This is an absolute hell hole for mosquitos but has great birds. Again easy by local bus. Try to sneak in before regular opening hours (but pay later of course). By ?9 am all bird nose and activity was drowned out by insects (the only place I've been where this was true). Re-applying repellent c every 5 mins just about worked
The other "standard" place I know if is the dunes on the edge of Santa Cruz. Here you really need your own transport as it's quite a big site, bisected by a shallow river or wide stream
Thanks. I was planning on going to the Botanical gardens and went there on my last visit. I don't remember having any insects problems so perhaps it's changed or perhaps I've blocked it out of my memory. In a trip report that I've just read, someone saw Margay at Refugio Los Volcanes so I think it's pretty well a dead cert now.
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