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Ring-Necked Parakeet Perception in the UK (1 Viewer)

Adam Abu-Seer

New member
United Kingdom
Hello! I don't know birdforum's policy on linking Google Forms questionnaires but I haven't seen anything against it.

My name is Adam Abu-Seer and I am studying Geography at Durham University. I am currently collecting data for my dissertation, titled "Investigating stakeholder perceptions of the Ring-Necked Parakeet in the UK". If you are familiar with the Ring-Necked Parakeet/have encountered it in nature, I would really appreciate if you could use the link below to complete a 5-min Google Forms questionnaire:

Secure link to Google Forms questionnaire: Bird Perception in the UK (5-min Survey)

With the answers that you kindly provide, I will be able to produce a comprehensive report detailing the perceptions of people involved with this charismatic and controversial species, as well as the factors contributing to these views.

All your responses will be anonymized, and all raw recorded data and contact details will be destroyed following project completion. Please answer all the questions and remember, there are no right or wrong answers.

Thank you for your time!
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Survey completed - as WP notes above, that is not a Woodpigeon in your photo.

Secondly, the subject of your study is properly called the Rose-ringed Parakeet, which would surely read better in your dissertation.

Good luck in your studies!
Survey completed - as WP notes above, that is not a Woodpigeon in your photo.

Secondly, the subject of your study is properly called the Rose-ringed Parakeet, which would surely read better in your dissertation.

Good luck in your studies!
I'm not sure I'd say your second point is true as both the BTO & the RSPB still refer to it as Ring-necked Parakeet as do most birders. I noticed the Collins guide uses Rose-ringed, but I think either is perfectly acceptable.
Ha, OK, your list, your rules etc.

I was trying to make a positive comment from an academic perspective and at least I finished the survey, so that must be worth some internet points.
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