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rubbish recording...still worth a shot? faint vivid warbler song | end of may | Lanaye, Northern Belgium (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Good morning all,
I hate to present this almost inaudible file to you people. It is a reminder to not use the app I used for recording but stick to filming with my 7dii Canon camera for the best sound result.

During a Maastricht to Maastricht hike via the Lanaye peninsula my attention was drawn to this fluting, warbling sound that came from some 40 meters away on the other side of a half-open sandy, shrub-filled river bank. Because of the House Sparrow-like chirps I thought of Melodious Warbler. Knowing that they are increasing in number in the Netherlands, I started to record the bird with my phone (as i did before with different phones and apps, with acceptable results). Back home in the north of the Netherlands, I hoped to have at least a half-decent recording of Icterine or Melodious Warbler. The result was very dissatisfying, unfortunately.
Yet when you put the volume at maximum and try hard to listen to what it might be, it does not sound like Hippolais to me. But then, is it a Marsh Warbler?...

Vogel onbekend - Aves indet.

Hopefully, some of you are willing to forget the badness of the recording and attempt an ID.



  • 209685.mp3
    1.2 MB
Good morning all,
I hate to present this almost inaudible file to you people. It is a reminder to not use the app I used for recording but stick to filming with my 7dii Canon camera for the best sound result.

During a Maastricht to Maastricht hike via the Lanaye peninsula my attention was drawn to this fluting, warbling sound that came from some 40 meters away on the other side of a half-open sandy, shrub-filled river bank. Because of the House Sparrow-like chirps I thought of Melodious Warbler. Knowing that they are increasing in number in the Netherlands, I started to record the bird with my phone (as i did before with different phones and apps, with acceptable results). Back home in the north of the Netherlands, I hoped to have at least a half-decent recording of Icterine or Melodious Warbler. The result was very dissatisfying, unfortunately.
Yet when you put the volume at maximum and try hard to listen to what it might be, it does not sound like Hippolais to me. But then, is it a Marsh Warbler?...

Vogel onbekend - Aves indet.

Hopefully, some of you are willing to forget the badness of the recording and attempt an ID.


Sounds like a Reed Warbler “preamble” to my ear.

Thanks for your replies, please note there were singing birds nearer, including possible Marsh. (to make it even less useful)
It is such a shame! What I remember was a fairly slow, fluty, not slightly coarse series of different tones, not like Marsh.

The app btw is the recorder app by Google LLC (info google store)... I had good recorders on my previous phones, but I forgot their names...

Merlin is a good recorder. I know that's cheating because this particular bird was really quite close, but here's a recording of a Marsh Warbler taken from the house earlier today (after normalisation in WavePad Free, which allows you a set number of normalisations and unlimited trimming for every reinstallment of the app).

EDIT: I think there might've been another bird (other than the Marsh Warbler heard throughout the recording) with a thin fluting song around 0:06, 0:17 and 0:31, and--intermittently--from 0:50 till the end, but I can't identify it confidently. I think the timbre and whistled motif sound good for Blackcap? No experience with Melodious Warbler, sorry.


  • Copy of 2023-06-08 0526.wav
    8.4 MB
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