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Savannah Sparrow Colonel Samuel Smith Park Toronto Ontario Oct 4 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Can someone please confirm this to be a Savannah Sparrow? Taken in Colonel Samuel Smith Park Toronto Ontario Oct


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Looks like a juvenile Song Sparrow
Agreed, I see why OP confused it for a savannah sparrow, it appears to have a yellowish tinge to its face- though this is pretty ordinary for a juvenile song sparrow. As mentioned longer tail and heavier bill also points to song sparrow primaries and greater coverts also appear to have the reddish-brownish of a song sparrow instead of the paler brown to straw coloured greater coverts and primaries of the Savannah sparrow.
I can't see what else it might be, but October would be late for a Song Sparrow still to be in juvenile plumage. Was this early or late in the month?
This is a good reminder of the importance of shape - the bigger bill and longer tail very quickly rule Savannah out. I will also point out that there appear to be 3 different individual Song Sparrows involved: pic 1 = adult in moult, no tail, missing the central flight feathers of wing (consistent with early stage of moult); pic 2-3 young bird (very pointed tail feathers); pic 4 = young bird still apparently in largely juvenile plumage still (very loose textured body feathers, less distinct face patterning) presumably from a late brood
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