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Saving a Mopoke Owl (1 Viewer)


Well-known member

Well, yesterday I heard all this noise of excited magpies over the road from our house and I went out to investigate. About half a dozen Magpies had a Mopoke owl cornered underneath a parked car. I was able to shoo the magpies away which allowed the Mopoke to make a break for it and I watched as it made the safety of the trees in the park.
Known by the other name of Boobook Owl, this is a very rare sighting indeed.
Few people ever get to see this reclusive bird but they hear them occasionally. I knew one was around for the last couple of years as I could hear the haunting, soft call in the dark hours. Mo Poke Mo Poke. Mo Poke. As little kids, we were always scared to wake up and hear one. Aboriginals heard them as the harbingers of doom.
They aren't really nest robbers and the magpies were just being magpies by chasing it. They live on rats and mice, insects and lizards.

The two photos below show the bird cornered under the parked car. I was very glad to have saved it.

Mo Poke 1.JPGMo Poke 2.JPG
Oh nice one!!! Well done rescuing him from those naughty maggies LOL

Don't think they really need any excuse to attack do they?!!
Sorry Dienan, this was months ago and I doubt if I will ever see the bird again, although I still hear it now and again.
My wife always wakes me and says "A Mopoke in the park, listen".
Unless the Magpies or crows flush it out again, I will make sure it is saved.
Sorry Dienan, this was months ago and I doubt if I will ever see the bird again, although I still hear it now and again.
My wife always wakes me and says "A Mopoke in the park, listen".
Unless the Magpies or crows flush it out again, I will make sure it is saved.
I just noticed I saw it on my birthday LOL. And explains why I didn't spot your post at the time.

I was travelling south to visit family.
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